Will goldfish eat guppies? Goldfish and guppies are both popular aquarium fish, loved for their beauty and personality. However, many people wonder whether these two fish species can live together in the same tank. The answer is not simple and depends on many different factors. This article, fishtankenthusiast.com will explore factors to consider when keeping goldfish and guppies together, as well as the pros and cons of this.
Introducing Goldfish and Guppies
You may have heard guppies called tropical fish and goldfish called cold water fish. Both are quite accurate, but not 100% correct. Goldfish prefer cool to temperate water and they tend to be happiest in water temperatures of 68–75˚F, so they are not true cold water fish.
In contrast, guppies prefer water between 72–78˚F, so their water preferences are temperate to tropical. However, there is some overlap between these two ranges, so you can find a tank temperature that is both safe and comfortable for both guppies and goldfish.
Due to the unique aesthetics of both fish types, goldfish and guppies can both add beauty and interest to your aquarium. Guppies come in many colors and patterns, especially male guppies. Although goldfish can have specifically bred body or head shapes, colors, fin lengths, and even eye shapes, their patterns are typically less interesting than those of guppies.. The plump body of a pet goldfish can create a beautiful contrast with the colorful guppies swimming around the tank.
Both fish species happily eat pests, like mosquito larvae and hydras, and fast-breeding species, like bladder snails and ramshorn snails. The disparity in growth between guppies and goldfish could indicate that the two fish species are consuming distinct pests. For example, guppies will not solve your bladder snail infection and goldfish are unlikely to solve your hydra problem. Combining the two in environments where pests are present can lead to a healthy balance when it comes to controlling pest populations.
Will goldfish eat guppies?
Goldfish will eat almost anything, including tank mates! They are gentle fish, but they really like to eat! If it fits in the goldfish’s mouth, then you can win it. If your goldfish is still young, then they are probably too small to eat adult guppies. Most goldfish, nevertheless, are not too tiny to consume guppy fries. Guppies are viviparous, so happy guppies reproduce like crazy. If you’re okay with your guppies being eaten, this may not stop you.
![Will goldfish eat guppies Will goldfish eat guppies](https://fishtankenthusiast.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/Will-goldfish-eat-guppies-2.jpg)
Keep in mind that goldfish can get quite large, while guppies typically only reach a maximum of 1.5–2.5 inches. This means that if your goldfish and guppy were about the same size when you kept them, within a year or two your goldfish could be much larger than your guppy. Goldfish are social creatures, but they do not form the type of bonds with their tankmates that would prevent them from cannibalizing their tankmates if given the opportunity.
Suitable Temperature for Both Species
The ideal temperature for guppies is between 72 and 82°F (22-28°C), while goldfish enjoy temperatures between 68 and 74°F (20–23°C). There is a little overlap between these two temperature ranges, but maintaining a consistent temperature environment for both species can be difficult.
Benefits of Keeping Goldfish and Guppies Together
Goldfish and guppies both have their own beautiful features and can complement each other in the aquarium aesthetically. Guppies come in a wide variety of colors and patterns, while goldfish can have distinctive body and fin shapes. Additionally, both fish species eat harmful organisms such as mosquito larvae and algae, helping to maintain cleanliness in the tank.
Can goldfish and guppies live together?
Although it is technically possible to keep goldfish and guppies in the same tank and they can live together happily for many years, we do not recommend this.
The three main reasons why goldfish and guppies don’t really get along are:
Compared to goldfish, guppies are tropical fish that like warmer water. Although they can withstand some similar temperatures, they do not have the same ideal temperature. You will always be in a situation where your aquarium is too warm for goldfish or too cold for guppies.
There is a serious risk of fin bites, which can cause one or both fish to become stressed or injured.
When your goldfish is big enough to fit a guppy in its mouth, it may try to eat them. This can provide a choking hazard for your goldfish and is obviously dangerous for your guppy.
In general, we draw the conclusion that goldfish and guppies shouldn’t coexist. It is better to choose to keep one species or keep them in their ideal conditions in separate tanks.
There are many species of fish in the aquarium hobby that can work perfectly together in the same tank. For that reason, we think there’s really no need to compromise and try to keep fish like guppies and goldfish together when they aren’t the best combination.
How can I keep guppies and goldfish together?
There are a few things to take into account when keeping goldfish and guppies in the same tank.
First, if you want your guppies to be able to reproduce, you should choose to keep the two species separately or provide planted areas in the tank where the fry can hide safely while they grow. Without plenty of thick mulch, you are not likely to have any fry survive when housed with goldfish. Consider floating plants with drooping roots, like dwarf water lettuce and Amazon cassia, and tall plants that can be grown in clumps, like Vallisneria , Ludwigia and Elodea.
Second, be prepared to separate your guppies and goldfish into separate tanks or use a tank divider when your goldfish starts to get big enough to eat your adult guppies. If you’re okay with some of your guppies being eaten, consider that goldfish eyes are often larger than their “stomach”. This can cause the goldfish to try to eat things that could choke them, which can lead to the death of both your goldfish and the guppy it tries to eat.
Third, closely monitor the aquarium temperature and water parameters to ensure everything is within a safe, healthy range for both fish species. Although guppies are not truly tropical fish and goldfish are not truly cold-water fish, both fish species can suffer adverse health effects if kept in an unsuitable tank environment. Try to keep the aquarium temperature at a low to moderate 70˚F if you plan to keep these two fish species together.
Finally, the ideal combination of guppies and goldfish is to keep guppies in a tank with ornamental goldfish. Most pet goldfish are slower than regular goldfish, meaning they are less likely to catch fast-moving guppies or pet fry. Ornamental goldfish are often kept for their appearance, which can put them at a disadvantage in terms of dexterity and coordination, but is beneficial when kept in a tank with guppies.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can goldfish and guppies eat the same food?
Yes, both species are omnivores and can eat the same foods such as flakes, pellets, brine shrimp, and bloodworms. However, guppies will benefit from a higher protein diet than goldfish.
Can goldfish and guppies live together peacefully?
This depends on many factors such as tank size, water temperature and individual fish’s personality. With proper planning and care, goldfish and guppies can live together peacefully in the same tank.
Keeping goldfish and guppies together can be successful with careful consideration and planning. However, due to challenges with size, temperature, and feeding behavior, keeping these two species separately in different aquariums is often a safer choice. If you decide to keep them together, make sure to create a suitable and safe environment for both fish species.